Interviewing can be a tricky thing to navigate when you are still managing a full work-load. If you are unable to get time off for your interviews (an infinitely less stressful option) here are some handy tips on making it work.


Find time in your schedule! Look for interview times before or after work or over long lunches. We recommend allowing at least an hour and a half that you can arrange to be away from your current workplace, if not more. This might take some creativity, and possibly even putting in longer days (i.e.: get to work early to leave early to accommodate for an afternoon interview).

Don’t use your current employer as a reference (even if your reference isn’t your direct supervisor) unless your supervisor is aware that you’re looking. Just let the employer that you’re working with know that you’re looking confidentially and they will understand.

Look for opportunities to mix your regular work wardrobe with interview attire. Now, this doesn’t mean throw a blazer over your Starbucks polo and hope that no one notices. Instead, find ways to par down or elevate your daily wardrobe and go to work as you normally would. If you’re typically wearing slacks and a blouse- keep a structured jacket and modest pumps to make your outfit interview ready. Nothing raises a few eyebrows like wearing a full suit to a jeans-only office.

Do all of your prep work the night before your interview. Your printer will always run out of ink when you have a resume to print, and your phone will die when you need the address of your interview location. Keep a folder of all relevant documents (resume, portfolio, references) in your car with multiple copies. Keep a hard copy of your destination, time, and any important names and phone numbers that you may need. This will not only show your interviewer that you are serious about the position- it will help you streamline communication, which is ideal when you don’t have copious amounts of time to spare.

Have a spare outfit. This kind of planning sound excessive, but you’ll be happy to have a scarf to cover your mid-day coffee spill when it is interview time. Because you aren’t prepping yourself directly for your interview, but instead your work-day then your interview prepare yourself for the kind of daily mishaps that just tend to happen before particularly important events.